Chinook Nation Needs Your Help
The mission of Confluence is primarily educational and so it is rare that we, as an organization, advocate for specific policy proposals. We also get a lot of questions during our events from folks asking, what can I do to support Indigenous people?
Here is one step we’re advocating for and we encourage you to join us: Our friends at the Chinook Indian Nation have asked us to support their effort to achieve federal recognition.
As you may know, they have been fighting in the courts to receive the benefits of recognition. There is now a renewed effort to achieve this goal through legislation in Congress. Letters to members of Congress help a great deal. Here is our letter of support from the staff and Board of Directors of Confluence. Letters can be emailed to the Chinook Indian Nation for distribution.
Find out more about this history here and here. Here are some helpful links.
- Letter of Support for the Chinook, to send to to your representative, senator, and the White House
- Petition for the Federal Government to recognize the Chinook and Duwamish as Native Tribes
The Chinook Indian Nation is also seeking a new Executive Director and Office Manager. Pass along this opportunity to anyone you think might be qualified and interested.