Field Guide: Confluence Bird Blind at the SRD

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This field guide was created as part of Confluence’s education programs connecting students with the history, culture, and ecology at the Sandy River Delta, where the Confluence Bird Blind is located. It is designed to guide you though what you see, hear, and feel there, and prompt thinking about changes in the landscape.

Download by clicking here: Field Guide: SRD Bird Blind

Find a list of related educational resources here.

We invite you to share your photos and observations! We love to hear from the Confluence community. Please share your photos and experience using the field guide at the Delta. You can either tag us on social media and use the hashtag #SandyRiverDeltaGuide or send us the photos via this linked form.

Project Team: Clifton Bruno (Wasco), Christine Bruno (Comanche, Irish, and English), Heather Sha xat k’ei Gurko (Tlingit and Dutch), Bill Weiler, and Courtney Yilk. Designed and illustrated by Mike Murawski & Bryna Campbell with Super Nature Adventures. Support provided by Metro’s Nature in Neighborhoods program.

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