Confluence Library

In this excerpt, Linda Meanus explains stick games.

Antone Minthorn (Cayuse, Nez Perce, Umatilla) talks about life on the Umatilla Reservation, the struggle for sovereignty, and Maya Lin. Fully subtitled. 2:32.

Lillian Pitt talks about She Who Watches, identity, culture, history, and honoring nature. She also talks about her artwork. Fully subtitled. 3:00.

Ray Gardner tells the story of Qoots-hoi and Toölux, and how the first salmon caught turned into a thunderbird whose eggs formed humanity. He also talks about salmon catching ceremony. Fully subtitled.

Tanna Engdahl (Cowlitz) talks about her grandmother’s combination of Cowlitz culture with Catholic beliefs. 2:01.

Tanna Engdahl (Cowlitz) talks about the adoption of written language and its use in gaining tribal recognition.

Tanna Engdahl (Cowlitz) talks about dealing with discrimination with her grandmother.

Tanna Engdahl (Cowlitz) talks about traditional ecological knowledge.

Tanna Engdahl (Cowlitz) talks about adapting to new tools and technology.

Wilfred and Bessie Greene Scott (Nez Perce) talk about nighttime raids by the Oregon State Police about fishing violations. 1:15.